"For I know well the plans I have in mind for you,' says the Lord. 'Plans for your welfare, not for woe. Plans to give you a future full of hope." -Jeremiah 29:11-13

What J 29:11-13 means in 2011. I am 29 years old this year. It has been 11 years since I consecrated my life to Our Lady. It has been 13 years since I made my candidate TEC. These events set my life on the course it has taken.

This blog is an attempt to look back at where I've been and reflect on how it has made me who I am. I'm taking all the entries from old emails, letters and my prayer journal. 19 year-old Joel is a very different person in many ways than 29 year-old Joel and sometimes I cringe at my writings from 2001. But I hope that my journey is helpful to you in some way, especially to the people who were there with me through those years. But also I am writing to you, my young friends, those who did not know me then, but are now navigating your own time in college and vocational discernment. Peace be with you. You'll make it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

September 2000-Happy Birthday, Angela

from another email to Jackie:

There is a reason for everything. I know I am here for a purpose. I have my mission. He knows what he is about.
Cowley-hmmph. It sure is interesting here. I am keeping very busy. VERY BUSY. Braums is going well, there are a handful of people I really enjoy working with and there are those that are way too affected by the small town metnatlity. Sex is everywhere I go, it cannot be escaped. Virgins are by far in the minority. I've almost finished training at Dillons. My first real day is on Saturday. I had to do this computer training inspector game, where I would walk through a store, spot problems and click on the correct solution. If I miss the problem, and accident happens, which was usually quite humorous, such as the little toddler boy falling out of a cart. hee hee. But anyways, there was this girl that appeared to be eating strawberry jam straight from the jar and had it all over her face. I clicked "Give advice" which is a nice way of saying "Hey moo-ron! Stop chowing down on the jam!" Then she fell over and died, apparently the strawberry jam was blood. Silly me.
I was cast in the musical, Annie Get Your Gun. I'm Chief Sitting Bull-certainly not a huge part in any sense of the word. My entire tribe has been decimated in rewrites, so I'm a little bummed that I've lost all my squaws. But the show is going to be sensational, I hope you can come, I think it is the first weekend of Nov.
Sunday was my first day teaching PSR down here. I'm not sure if I told you, but I am now teaching the 5th and 6th graders down here, not the high schoolers. My kids were all extremely quiet and I didn't have textbooks to work with yet. alas! It will get better. With my jobs I decided not to do PSR at Winfield too, so Angela will be flying solo.
Speaking of Angela, Tuesday was her birthday, so I took her to Walmart and gave her a parade. Ok, please try to picture this, cuz me and Angela were laughing our bums off. Angela in a clown costume with a bright orange hunting mask, wearing goat poop yellow shoes in a cart full of pillows decorated with fake flowers and a silver hula hoop. Joel pushes her around the store while singing the birthday song:
Today is her birthday, yes it is! yes it is!
Her name is Angela and today she is 19
and her phone number is 524-5591!
while Angela keeps beat with a Barbie bicycle bell.

ahhh...good times, good times.

They were good times. I think I might be able to tolerate the Joel in this email. Sure, a little stupid, but it was intentionally stupid to bring joy to others. And this was one of the rare times where I did not take the idiocy too far. For reasons I do not understand, at this time in my life I relished the strange looks I got from people. Yeah yeah yeah, I'm sure this was driven by a level of needing attention that bordered on desperate. But a big part of it was just wanting to be funny, and willing to utilize methods...shall we euphemistically call them "unorthodox and daring"? - to bring about laughs. But, let's be generous and say that 50 percent of those attempts at humor led to legitimate joy for my friends. We always prided ourselves on not needing alcohol to have a fun time. We were drunk on joy. And stupidity.

1 comment:

  1. "And this was one of the rare times where I did not take the idiocy too far." really? clown suit, cart decorated with fake flowers, bicycle bell? not too far? ; )

    each time i thought of your little project it was at a time i couldn't get to the computer. this is just what i needed tonight. much love.
